We’re going to Paris, Normany and London in Spring 2026, and you’re invited! We’re excited to tell you more about the trip we’re planning with EF Tours, our educational travel partner. ​There will be an info session on Monday, November 25 ​at 6 p.m. in the dining hall. Please be sure to register for this info session​ to be considered for this opportunity:​ https://rsvp.eftours.com/3xvn57e When students travel, they expand their knowledge of the world around them, discover more about themselves, and grow more confident. These skills are critical for creating the global citizens of tomorrow, and we would love to have your student join us on this adventure. In this info session, we’ll talk about: How this opportunity will benefit your student What we’ll see and do on our trip Everything that’s included in this experience How your child can earn academic credit How we’re keeping this safe and affordable How to enroll on this trip (before it fills up!) during EF’s risk-free enrollment period There are limited spots on this trip, so we would love to have you attend this meeting to learn more about this exciting opportunity! Thanks, Dennis Abline
3 months ago, RCS Communications
Good Evening! Here are this week's announcements. Middle School: https://rcsmiddle.my.canva.site/bulldogsbulletin High School: https://rcs-high-school.my.canva.site/
3 months ago, RCS Communications
Our production of Sister Act Jr. is almost here! Get ready for a show that’s full of heart and soul! Join us for a night of fabulous music, laughter, and heartfelt moments as we bring this uplifting story to life on stage! When: November 22 & 23 Time: 7:00 PM Where: MPR (Multipurpose Room) Tickets are $8 You won’t want to miss this show! Bring your friends and family and get ready to groove!
3 months ago, RCS Communications
Roxboro Community School Presents Sister Act Jr
Good Evening! Here are this week's announcements. Middle School: https://rcsmiddle.my.canva.site/bulldogsbulletin High School: https://rcs-high-school.my.canva.site/
3 months ago, RCS Communications
Don't forget, tomorrow is a $2 Jeans Day!
3 months ago, RCS Communications
$2 Jeans Day Tomorrow
Don't forget that the Fall Sports Ceremonies are tomorrow, Thursday, November 7 at RCS in the gym. The middle school ceremony will start at 6 p.m. and the high school ceremony will start at 7:30 p.m.
3 months ago, RCS Communications
Don't forget that the Fall Sports Ceremonies are tomorrow, Thursday, November 7 at RCS in the gym. The middle school ceremony will start at 6 p.m. and the high school ceremony will start at 7:30 p.m.
Today, November 6, our HS Women’s Basketball team will scrimmage crosstown rivals Person High School at RCS. Game time is 4:30 pm and admission is free. It will be a fun game, so come out and support!!
3 months ago, RCS Communications
HS Women's Basketball Scrimmage tonight vs person high school
Sophomores! Just another reminder....you will be taking the PreACT tomorrow morning. Plan to check-in outside the MPR by no later than 8:00, and we'll direct you to your testing room. The test is online, so don't forget to bring your FULLY CHARGED Chromebook. We'll have everything else for you. Get a good night's rest, eat a healthy breakfast, and come prepared to do your best. YOU'VE GOT THIS BULLDOGS!
3 months ago, RCS Communications
Homecoming is next weekend, which means next week is Spirit Week!! Students can dress up for $1 each day. Remember, modesty rules still apply! We are excited to see everyone join in and show some school spirit! Monday - No School Tuesday - PJ Day! Wear your comfiest pajamas or sweats! Wednesday - Patriots Day! Wear your red, white, and blue, but NO camo! Thursday - Rhyme Without Reason! Dress as a rhyme without a reason! Ex. Baller and Scholar! Friday - Color Wars! 6th Grade - Yellow 7th Grade - Purple 8th Grade - Green 9th Grade - Black 10th Grade - Pink 11th Grade - Blue 12th Grade - Red
3 months ago, RCS Communications
Homecoming Spirit Week Themes graphic
Good Evening! Here are this week's announcements. Middle School: https://rcsmiddle.my.canva.site/bulldogsbulletin High School: https://rcs-high-school.my.canva.site/
3 months ago, RCS Communications
Come watch our high school band march in the Veterans Day parade tomorrow at 10 a.m. uptown! Then come watch them perform at the Veterans Day program at our Person County Museum at 11 a.m.
3 months ago, RCS Communications
RCS Band lined up by the Person County Museum in uniform with their instruments.
Thank you to the entire Roxboro Community School (RCS) and surrounding community for your support. Through this partnership, we are able to provide quality experiences for our students. This publication is to provide information regarding our 2023-2024 school performance. RCS earned a school report card grade of B (80%), with a proficiency score of B (79%) and a growth score of B (83%). RCS performed comparatively well against other charter schools in our region as well as local local educational agencies (LEAs). RCS is proud of our student achievement due to the hard work of our entire school community, particularly our teachers. We met overall growth and exceeded growth in several key areas including Math 8, Math III, English II and Biology. RCS was honored with a bronze certificate from the College Board for our commitment to increasing our school’s college-going culture, providing opportunities for students to earn college credit, and maximizing college readiness through Advanced Placement (AP) courses. RCS is fortunate to have a talented group of educators to deliver our AP program, evidenced by our students’ excellent performance on AP exams. RCS earned a composite score of 73%, outperforming the state (69%) and global (68%) averages. In addition to college credit earned through performance on Advanced Placement offerings, RCS students also take advantage of the Career and College Promise (CCP) program offered through Piedmont Community College (PCC). 46% of RCS juniors and seniors were enrolled in this dual enrollment program with 3 of our 2024 graduates receiving their associate's degree. We are proud of the commitment of our school staff to foster growth and achievement in our students. We are equally proud of our students for working hard to prepare for their futures after RCS. We will continue to strive for excellence. Go Bulldogs!
3 months ago, RCS Communications
RCS Crest
The MS Boys' Soccer team will be playing in the first round of the conference tournament today at 4 p.m. against Henderson Collegiate at the RCS Field! Since this is not a regular season game, athletic passes will not be accepted. Admission is $7. Come out and support the boys!
3 months ago, RCS Communications
Join us for RCS Nacho Day on November 6, sponsored by the MS Student Council! Make sure to purchase your ticket beforehand to enjoy some delicious Nachos! You can buy a ticket in the lobby from Monday, October 28th to Friday, November 1st. Online orders are also available. You can pay through the online portal (https://portal.icheckgateway.com/RoxboroCommunitySchool/), but please type in the memo box MS Nachos.
3 months ago, RCS Communications
RCS Nacho Day
Halloween is this Thursday, which means it's a dress up day! Students may wear dress code appropriate costumes to school with a $2 donation! No spaghetti straps, short dresses, etc. Jeans may be worn if they are a valid part of the costume. Leggings may also be worn, but must be a part of the costume, and well-covered by the tops. Masks are not allowed. It is not a hat day and not a jeans day. No weapons or facsimiles of weapons to include, but not limited to, guns, knives, slingshots, etc. Again, if jeans are worn, they should be part of an outfit. If you have any questions, you can contact an administrator and get prior approval from them.
3 months ago, RCS Communications
Halloween Dress Up Oct. 31st Thursday, October 31, students may wear dress code appropriate costumes to school with a $2 donation. No spaghetti straps, short dresses, etc. Jeans may be worn if they are a valid part of the costume. Leggings may also be worn, but must be a part of the costume, and well-covered by the tops.  Masks are not allowed. It is not a hat day and not a jeans day. No weapons or facsimiles of weapons to include, but not limited to, guns, knives, slingshots, etc.  Again, if jeans are worn, they should be part of an outfit. If you have any questions, you can contact an administrator and get prior approval from them.
Good Evening! Here are this week's announcements. Middle School: https://rcsmiddle.my.canva.site/bulldogsbulletin High School: https://rcs-high-school.my.canva.site/
3 months ago, RCS Communications
Katie Hester, PCC Instructor, spoke to a group of Biotech Health Science students on Wednesday. She discussed careers in Clinical Laboratory Science and the opportunities for growth within the field. She explained the importance of a good education and how developing good soft skills can provide opportunities for career growth. Mrs. Hester encouraged the students to take advantage of the opportunities they are given.
4 months ago, RCS Communications
 Katie Hester speaking to RCS students in the Biotech classroom
 Katie Hester speaking to RCS students in the Biotech classroom
Yesterday's blood drive was a success! We collected 29 blood products and 8 students were first time donors! Many thanks to the students, staff, parents, and community for donating blood to save lives and to those who helped organize the drive.
4 months ago, RCS Communications
8 RCS students stand behind a table with a sign that says "American Red Cross Blood Drive"
6 RCS students stand against a brick wall all giving thumbs up.
RCS Student poses after giving blood for the first time.
Parents and students, As we look to revamp our Europe 2026 trip, we are asking your help in deciding a location! Please do us a favor and complete the google form linked below and submit it no later than next Wednesday, October 30th. We have the 3 tour destinations to choose from with a link that includes itinerary, travel information and price. We are asking you to select only ONE from the choices available. Also, if you prefer not to travel, there is an option to vote for that choice as well. - Dennis Abline On behalf of the International Travel Committee. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1A72Cca96Bqt1ZKOIbPQeVymUcAo1QCIuW_tMNCp5cCw/viewform?edit_requested=true
4 months ago, RCS Communications
Don't forget, tomorrow is a $2 Jeans Day!
4 months ago, RCS Communications
$2 Jeans Day Tomorrow